Wow Mali - The Gag and Prank Show
About Wow Mali
Wow Mali, features pranksters and other talents, who later became big in their own right later on in their careers (like Mike "Pekto" Nacua, Doray Alaskadora, and Krissy) as they hit the streets to prank unsuspecting people going about with their daily lives. The pranks usually ranges from a harmless inquiry of "Pwede bang Magtanong?" (Can I ask you something) to a brush with a gang of seemingly hardened thugs which later starts performing "drag." Wow Mali resonated with a lot of Filipinos including kids and became a part of the Filipino culture as it became part of the colloquial lingo. The expression "WOW Mali" or "NA-WOW-MALI AKO" became a common expression whenever someone makes a mistake or became a victim of a prank or a ruse. Later on people start becoming more aware of the pranks and recognize the talents and prank format.
Wow Mali bagged a number of awards and nominations including the 1st MTRCB Television Awards for Best Comedy Show (2009), and the winner of the KBP Golden Dove Awards for the Best Gag Show (
1997, 2005 and 2009).
Wow Mali (2009) Opening Theme
Wow Mali Series Intro
"Wow Mali"'s theme song was composed and produced by Dan Salamante
A Retrospective on Wow Mali
A Look Back on Wow Mali

What can be said about the premiere gag and prank show's original run on ABC-5? All I can say is it's one of the most influential shows for me as a millenial and child of the 90s. I remember my parents sending me off to bed after the show finished every Sunday as we used to sleep early before 10 PM at that time. We often ended our day with a big laugh and smile to our faces as we bond with how people get pranked on camera. Who would have known that they will be widely and warmly accepted by almost every Filipino family and Filipino mass at that time? Joey de Leon and Wow Mali helped get me through a week knowing that I get to laugh out loud over the weekends. It was a simpler times without the Internet when all you have is a CRT-TV and pranks.
Classic Wow Mali pranking Jeepney passengers by using bartered produce/items as payment.

I don't know if Wow Mali was the first Filipino reality-based hidden camera prank based show but it sure feel like it. Maybe someone from the comments section can correct me if not. I do remember local syndicated run of classic American or Canadian prank and gag shows like Candid Camera and America's Funniest Videos, but don't remember anything that come close to the success and staying power of Wow Mali. I can only recall some of the classic pranks mainly the "Pwede bang Magtanong...?" (Can I ask a question?) prank wherein the usual Filipino response is "Ano?" (What) then the prankster will ask again until she gets or don't get a "Yes." It was a bit dumb and witty at the same time, because that is the right answer to the question that ask permission to ask, but we automatically answer with a silence yes, then proceed with "What". Some of the other pranks would probably not fly in this snowflake politically correct and charged climate as most Wow Mali pranks tip toes on the line of being offensive. Good thing that there are still many Filipinos who still have good sense of humor and not as snowflake as those calling for political correctness. I still say, as long as it doesn't break the law or physically hurt someone, it's all good in my book. Before you had modern influencers and content creators with their fake and scripted pranks, you first had Wow Mali and later followed by other shows like Bitoy's Funniest Videos.
Classic Wow Mali "networking" seminar attendees prank.

What about you guys? What are your fondest, favorite, or laugh out loud memories, episodes, or moments in one of the longest-running ABC 5's gag show? Share your thoughts and opinion about Wow Mali in the comments section below: